
  • 镁搪瓷的研究


    <正> The method for preparing the enamel to be coated on magnesium alloy has been described. It is believed that the main factors effecting on adherence of magnesium enamel are substrate, surface treatment, enamel composition, and enamel drying and firing time. The enamel magnesium alloy with good adherence and bending angle of θ≈80° has been obtained in the experiment, during which low melting lead enamel was applied to the surface of magenesium alloy pretreated with water glass. On the other hand, adherence became poor and surface appeared black when the lead enamel was applied to the surface of magnesium alloy pretreated with the Dm method. The black surface resulted from lead which had been reduced by Mg and released from the interface between enamel and magnesium a loy, exerting a bad effect on adherence.The experiment has also shown that neither phosphate enamel nor antimony enamel resulted in good adherence when they were applied to the magnesium alloy.

    1989年02期 4-8页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 184k]
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  • 钠硼硅玻璃水侵蚀机理的研究


    <正> The dissolved quantity of 10 Na2O.18B2O3-72 SiO2(mol%) glass was measured and the-change of the un-and attacked surface of this glass by water was observed with photometric analysis and IRRS.ESCA methods. The corrosion mechanism of this glass was put forward. It has shown that the process which this glass was corroded in the water could be divided into two stages with the dissolved quantity-square root of time behaviour. Firstly the stable colloid film containing[BSiO4]-constitution was formed due to the leaching of Na2O and[BO3/2] trihedral constitution from the surface during the period of 0~120min. Secondly the Na2O and[BO3/2] trihedral constitution was leached through the loose colloid film continually, the colloid film was destroied because [BSiO4]- was isolated and dissolved daring the period of 120~180min.

    1989年02期 9-13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 202k]
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  • 用X射线荧光光谱测定硼酸盐玻璃中Zn~(2+)的配位状态


    <正> Zn coordination state in Na2O-ZnO-B2O3 glasses were measured with a common single crystal X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The result shows.1. A common single crystal X-ray fluorescence spectrometer can be used to determine coordination of Zn in glasses.2. The Zn2+ chemical shift data of 6-fold is negative, while that of 4-fold is positive.3. All the Zn2+ in Na2O-ZnO-B2O3 glasses system is 4-fold, the results are in agreement with the results of EXAFS.

    1989年02期 14-17+13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 178k]
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  • 硅酸盐玻璃熔化温度的计算


    <正> On the basis of Wang's work[4] and optimization principle, the constant C6 in the equation for calculating the reference melting temperature of silicate glasses has been re-evaluated by coordinate rotation method, by which the multi-dimensional optimized calculation has been transferred into some one-dimensional optimized calculations. This method is simple in calculation and less in deviation, so it is suitable for the glasses with wide range of lime content (wt %)in composition. By comparing the calculations with the experimental data of 60 different glasses, it has shown that the deviations and differences within the range of ±28℃ and ±52℃ between the calculated values and experimental data of melting temperature are 75% and 95%, respectively. The deviation of the calculation of this method is less than that of Wang's result, the method is, therefore, useful in practice.

    1989年02期 18-21页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 156k]
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  • 生产高硼硅玻璃的电助熔窑炉系统


    <正> This paper is an introduction of practical experience using electric boosting. The practical experience shows that by using electric boosting in melting area, multi-pipe mixed heating technique and partially sealed technique in forehearth, we are able to dramatically increase the output of high borosilicate glass and improve its quality and reduce the fuel consumption and enhance melting heat efficiency and melting rate.

    1989年02期 22-25+21页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 214k]
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  • 纯碱特性对玻璃生产过程的影响


    <正> Soda ash is one of the most important raw materials in glass making. Effect of the physical and chemical properties of soda ash on sheet glass making has been investigated. Detailed discussions have been made on the relationship between the purity of soda ash and the refractory of furnace as well as the service life of checker work, between the grain size and the hydration property of soda ash and glass batch homogeneity.

    1989年02期 26-29+33页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 319k]
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  • 涂膜啤酒瓶生产实践


    <正> This paper introduces cold end coating and hot end coating process, coating equipment and coating materials. The strength test results of coated beer bottles and experience in use show that the strength of coated bottles is much higher than that of uncoated bottles, and it can keep constant after repeated services. It is reasonable to consider that coated bottles have a groat future in glass pressure container field.

    1989年02期 30-33页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 151k]
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  • 玻璃窑炉空燃比的调节及探讨


    <正> Reasonable control of air excess coefficient in combustion process isone of the ways to says energy in glass furnace. While using rhomb apeed equalizer to measure flow of secondary air, using PMK programmable controller to control air/fuel ratio and using to feedback to adjust the ratio of fuel to secondary air, the author also introduced open signal of fuel valve to overcome the interference caused by flame exchange, the constant secondary air flux can thus be achieved and atmoshere in glass furnace can be better controlled. There also are some discussions about the problems on adjustment of air/fuel ratio,snch as ventilation behaviour in regenerator, adjustment of the ratio of air to fuel and co-ordination of furnace temperature regulation system etc. in this paper.

    1989年02期 34-37页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 112k]
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  • NEG吹泡机简介


    <正> The behaviour, main technical parameters, blow-forming process and design procedure of exchange parts of NEG LH-12,LH-16 blowing machine imported by Beijing Glass Instruments Factory are introduced in this paper.

    1989年02期 38-41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 125k]
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  • 论搪瓷的强度、裂纹与应力的关系


    <正> 玻璃质搪瓷釉用作金属坯体上的涂层时,能具备一定的保护、绝缘、乳浊和装饰等多种功能。如果瓷釉-金属坯体系统上形成的瓷层出现碎裂,则瓷层的功能将有所削弱。瓷层碎裂并不是一个简单的过程,其形成过程的复杂性是由于瓷釉熔化不完全和残余应力导致在瓷釉-金属系统中出现气泡、夹杂物和微量化学不均性之故。

    1989年02期 42-46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 252k]
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  • 玻璃熔窑加料及新型加料机的设计


    <正> 加料,是用人工或机械设备将配合料投入熔窑。它是玻璃生产的重要环节之一。加料方式影响到熔化速度、熔化区的温度,液面状态,从而影响产品的产量和质量。总之,配合料的投入方式对熔窑的操作和效率有极大的影响,但至今这一问题尚未在国内玻璃行业引起广泛的重视。 国内外的学者和行家对加料问题的研究结果表明,一般来说料堆均匀分布于熔化区,且配合料呈小堆状对熔化过程最为有利。

    1989年02期 47-51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 180k]
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  • 搪瓷冷爆的文献回顾及其克服方法


    <正> 冷爆是搪瓷制品的主要缺陷之一,它可能在底釉冷却过程中产生,可能在面釉烧成或冷却时产生,也可能在产品贮存一段时间后产生。许多前人实验的结果表明:用铝作为镇静剂的镇静钢产生冷爆的趋势大于沸腾钢。

    1989年02期 52-54+46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 226k]
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  • 玻璃窑炉微机系统中的模糊控制方法


    <正> 利用微型计算机及其先进的控制方法对玻璃窑炉热工参数进行自动控制,是玻璃窑炉技术改造的重要内容之一。 玻璃窑炉微机系统的关键是设计数字控制器。一般有两种方法:其一,用数字控制理论对系统进行分析与综合,这种方法是在已知系统的数学模型的基础上进行的;其二,是将模拟调节器离散化,作为数字控制器。对于前者,由于目前玻璃窑炉还不可能有一个精确的数

    1989年02期 55-58+41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 179k]
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  • 瓶罐玻璃供料道温度的均化与控制(续)


    <正> 五、温度控制系统的整定 自动控制系统控制质量取决于对象特性、控制方案、干扰形式与幅值以及调节器参数整定。当一个控制系统组成安装以后,调节仪表、控制对象、干扰形式等也都基本固定下来,这时控制质量主要取决于调节器参数的设置。

    1989年02期 59-66页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 353k]
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  • 信箱

    <正> 问:为什么搪瓷制品的边釉容易裂瓷? 答:搪瓷制品的边是制品的最外缘,它受外力的冲击最大,所以边釉容易破碎。一般为了增强制品的机械强度,减少制品在生产过程中的扭曲变形,往往采用机械卷边的措施,以增强制品边部的刚性。

    1989年02期 67+66页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 122k]
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  • 信息

    <正> 配合料预热系统——玻璃生产中的一项新技术 由联邦德国Nienburger玻璃公司构思的G-N(GEA·Engergietechnik和Nienburger Glas两公司共同完成)配合料预热工艺现已完成并已投产。该工艺和生产设备的研制过程由四个阶段组成,即实验室探索,3%熔窑烟道气处理能力设备的研制,15%熔窑能力设备的研制和满负荷设备的研制。这套生产工艺与设备的使用效果已为生产实际所证明。

    1989年02期 68-72页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 301k]
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